Once you have identified the one accomplishment you most want to make, you need to start mapping a. Group them in a way that makes sense to you, personally. Have students individually place the cards in front of them on their desks. The doctors believe there is little chance you will recover the ability to know who you are or who you are with. Compare the value youve placed in circle 1, to the value in circle 2. Go through the list below and circle 12 values that you feel express who you are and that are important to you. Group all similar values together from the list of values you just created. Microsoft word core values and essential intentions worksheet. In the goal exploration activity, your clients will briefly describe their goals in several areas of life, such as family, career, social, and leisure.
Aug 21, 2018 heres a comprehensive list of 108 core values that most people have. Before introducing this exercise have a discussion with your patient about goals and values. Consider what it means for you to be successful in farming,or try distinguishing between personal,economic,environmental,and community values. This post describes an activity that therapist and group leaders can use to guide individuals to get clear about their values. Remember that a personal mission statement is as much discovery as it is creation. Identifying values this identifying values personal development worksheet is courtesy of. Values are our hearts deepest desires for the way we want to interact with and relate to the world, other people, and ourselves. Wilbourne university of new mexico, 2001 important to me very important to me not important to me acceptance to be accepted as i am 1 901 accuracy. A quick look at your values page 1 values are your hearts deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being.
Create your top five values using the values stringing technique just described and write those on the worksheet. The following are questions you may want to consider as you make decisions and prepare documents concerning your health care preferences. Individuals, groups, and whole societies hold values. Finally, reflect on the meaning of each of these 10 values, and ask yourself if. By stringing the values together, you will begin to define exactly how you experience living a particular value. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of values. On which values do i want to increase my satisfaction. The happiness of a child yours even being given the same value or weight as being able to eat my favourite cake when i want, is not the same. Consider if a sudden event accident or illness left you unable to communicate.
The complete set of client handouts and worksheets from act books by russ harris. If you are working with a coach or therapist, they will probably want you to fill them in and bring them into your sessions. Core values assessment your values are your gps navigation system for life. You can also write in any values that are missing from this list. They are leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life. Values are things that people hold dear and consider to be important. Pass out one values cards worksheet to each student with instructions to cut out the 10 cards. Free values worksheet for adults identifying personal values. Choose one word within each grouping that best represents the label for the entire group. Clarifying your values adapted from tobias lundgrens bulls eye worksheet.
Your values may be reflected in your life, in which case your goal might be to keep things going along steadily. Values worksheet adapted from kelly wilsons valued living. Identifying your personal values is an important part of developing career plans. Make your importance ratings start by rating the importance of each area by circling a number on the importance scale 0, 1, or 2. Whod think it would threaten endangered animals in.
They are also good topics to discuss with your loved ones, health care providers and spokesperson. If you have more than five groupings, drop those least important. Examples of values include honestyintegrity, social status, power, achievement, and security. Core values worksheet select and circle 2025 words from the list below that best represent your core values.
Because understanding how your values show up is so important, i have created a values worksheet you can use to understand how your values show up in your life. If the patient struggles with answering questions it is a good idea to introduce them to this worksheet. Sometimes, physical health problems or changes in our life mean that we may not be. Download worksheets related to value clarification and exploration. Core values worksheet select and circle 2025 words from the list below that best represent your. Values worksheet worksheet from the following are questions to think about as you make decisions and prepare documents for your health care wishes. Download this personal values worksheet and work with it when youre ready. Values worksheet for each of these domains write a quick summary of your values, for example to live a healthy life and take care of my body physical wellbeing, or to be a good friend to people who need me, and to enjoy my time with the people i. Much like values, goals can be a powerful tool in therapy. Values list of 11 ll a daretolead accountability achievement adaptability adventure altruism ambition authenticity balance beauty. Happiness trap 26 worksheets to use with the happiness trap 26. Values are directions we keep moving in, whereas goals are what we want to achieve along the way.
Review the 15 values that you wrote down in page 2. Students will identify the people, possessions, activities, and future plans they value. Wilbourne university of new mexico, 2001 important to me very important to me not important to me acceptance to be accepted as i am 1 901 accuracy to be accurate in my opinions and beliefs 2. Values affect career decisions, how you spend your time, and how you handle money. Knowing your values is an important personal development insight and hence the reason why were offering this free values worksheet for adults. Quality what i would like to exude as an individual before you can set a goal or become successful, you must understand your overriding values. Enter your email below to get this values worksheet. Record the total scores for each letter below and in the scores column on page 6. My values coat of arms worksheets lesson worksheets. Values are not about what you want to get or achieve. There are literally hundreds of different values, but below youll find a list of the most common.
Values are beliefs that influence peoples behavior and decisionmaking. If you have a long list of values more than 10 try and remove half of them, leaving you with a shorter list of high priority values. You can download a free pdf of this worksheet from the free. This will give you your scores for the 15 major life values identified by this. Once you have identified the one accomplishment you most want to make, you need to start mapping a life plan that will get you there. They can be used for motivation, a tool for exploration, or a guide for making decisions.
This worksheet is designed to prompt discussion about values by asking indepth questions that require exploration and critical thinking. Get your needs met so you can orient yourself around your values. Values worksheet adapted from kelly wilsons valued. From the results of your personal values worksheet and your selfquestioning, list the five personal values that are most important to you. You may want to write down your answers and give copies to your family and health care providers, or just use the questions for thought and discussion. The worksheets in this compilation are designed to be used in conjunction with the happiness trap.
Dig deeper into personal values with the values discussion questions handout. I feel passion when you take a soapy shower with me. The second step in identifying your core values is defining your destiny. The questions are selfreflective and the worksheet can serve as discussion questions. The complete set of client handouts and worksheets from act. It makes me feel secure when you get my door for me. Get involved in activities that allow you to express your values. The below series of questions will help you evaluate and rene what is truly important to you and what matters most in life. Values assessment worksheet a value is defined as a principle, standard, or quality considered inherently worthwhile or desirable. What kind of values do you have regarding your physical wellbeing. Displaying all worksheets related to my values coat of arms.
They serve as the basis for moral codes and ethical reflection. Worksheets are coat of arms, 2012, design your own coat of arms, my country south africa celebrating our national symbols, career portfolio, alpha kappa psi, a workbook for your charitable giving, identity and self esteem. You have a set of personal values that motivate you towards a certain mission in life. Your destiny will be determined by daily choices and the longterm goals you set. You may want to write down your answers and provide copies to your family members and health care providers, or simply use the questions as food for thought and discussion. Ira required minimum distribution worksheet use this worksheet to figure this years required withdrawal for your traditional ira unless your spouse1 is the sole beneficiary of your ira and he or she is more than 10 years younger than you. When a client understands their values, they can gain a better understanding of their goals and what they want from life. How do my five or six most important personal values from the worksheet compare with the satisfaction scores in column a. Start by transferring your top 5 core values into the circles below. Values worksheet for each of these domains write a quick summary of your values, for example to live a healthy life and take care of my body physical wellbeing, or to be a good friend to people who need me, and to enjoy my time with the people i love friendships. A meaningful personal mission statement contains two basic elements. Determine from those 15 values, what are your top 6 core values. Students are asked to link outcomes important to them with values they may hold.
This core values worksheet has you write down your five core values and how they show up in abovetheline and belowtheline ways. Competition, cooperation, democracy, equality, freedom, justice, security, selfreliance, and stability. Well, some people weigh up all their values as being of equal value, with no priority. For example, if people believe that telling the truth is very important, they will try to be truthful when they deal with other people. This worksheet can be done in an individual or group setting. My values it can be hard to remember lots of previously enjoyable activities when we have been feeling down for a while. Next, take your list and prioritise the top 3 values, and the top 5 values.
It is a set of governing principles and qualities for how you live your life. From the list below, choose and write down every core value that resonates with you. Values identification worksheet integrative health partners. In the left hand column goes the value that you defined earlier. What you value is what you believe is important and hence its what steers your thoughts and behaviours. They also learn about the type of person they want to be, and how they want to behave. Worksheet your value system what is a value system. Values worksheet adapted from kelly wilsons valued living questionnaire. Personal valuespersonal values card sortcard sort w. Help your clients define their priorities and work toward living according to their values.
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